For more information about volunteer opportunities, please contact us.

Does it cost the student, school, or individual volunteer to participate in Power Lunch?

No, the Power Lunch program remains free for students, schools, and individual volunteers. We rely on the generosity of donors and corporate partners to fund the program, ensuring that we can continue providing books and literacy support to students at no cost to them. If your company or organization is interested in sponsoring Power Lunch, please click here for more information on corporate partnership opportunities.

Who can volunteer?

We welcome two types of volunteers: corporate volunteers and individual volunteers. Corporate volunteers participate through partnerships. These corporate partners help support the program financially. Individual volunteers, who do not have a corporate affiliation, are also encouraged to sign up and can participate at no cost.

Where is the Power Lunch program operated?

Power Lunch operates at 7 schools throughout Metro Atlanta.  For a full list of schools with addresses, please click here.

How do you select Power Lunch schools? 

All Power Lunch schools are Title I schools and are chosen based on need and proximity to sustainable volunteer sources.

If I cannot commit to once a week, can I still volunteer?

Yes! You can sign up to alternate with another volunteer to share a student.  Please indicate on your application that you would like to alternate and list your alternate's name, if known.

When does Power Lunch operate?

Reading sessions take place during the student's lunch time which varies from school to school.  Power Lunch operating days also vary from school to school.  Please click here for school program days by school.

Do I need to bring books? 

No.  Everybody Wins! Atlanta provides hundreds of books on a mobile library cart at each school.  You and your student will choose the book you want to read each week.

How will I know if my student is absent?

The School Coordinator will contact you by phone and email at least 45 minutes prior to the scheduled reading session.

What should I do if I cannot make my reading session?

Please notify the School Coordinator with as much notice as possible that you will be unable to make your reading session.  Click here for a list of email addresses for each of the School Coordinators.

Does Power Lunch still operate on holidays? 

No.  Last school year, Power Lunch operated an average of 22 weeks over the course of the school year.  We do not operate on holidays, during testing, and various other dates that the school requests throughout the year. You will be notified by email should we need to cancel a scheduled reading session for any reason.