Home – OLD
Welcome to your staging site for 48in48. This is the site where you will input your website content, build your menus and upload documents. Here are a few links you might need as you are using this site:
(Current Text) – https://everybodywinsatlanta.org/
Instead of the header for Social Media that is on our current website, we would like to have the Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram Icons displayed to the right of our Menu and again at the bottom of each page.
Some info is repeated. We may want to revise content on some of the pages or all the pages so there will not be as much repetition.
Not sure if this should be on the home page or one of the pages about us or under our program information, but we might want to have one of those live (real-time) metric counters that reports the following:
Number of Students Served
Number of Schools Served
Number of Volunteers
Dollars Raised
Here are a couple of examples –
653 Students Served
702 Reading Mentors
8732 Volunteer Hours
135756 Pages Read
2709 New Books Distributed
13650 Vocabulary Words
424 Days of Power Lunch